HELP PAGES To read these help pages: Use LEFT & RIGHT on the controller pad (or wait for the computer to turn the page) RED, LEFT mousebutton or "A" to skip-to-end, and BLUE, RIGHT mousebutton or "B" to exit. So, move JOYSTICK RIGHT to read more.. ABOUT THIS DISC This disc represents a collection of the finest Public Domain and Shareware games available for CD-equipped Amiga systems. Every game is ready to play from our easy-to-use menu system, so no setting up is involved. Every game on this disc is either Public Domain or Shareware. This means that if you have a floppy disk drive on your system, you may freely copy any game, and give it to your friends, provided that you read all the documentation that accompanies the game and comply with what it says. HOW TO USE THIS DISC First, choose either the Public Domain, the Shareware or the Demo category and press the RED button or your LEFT mousebutton (marked "A" on a CDTV). Move up or down to choose a title, press the RED button to read the instructions and press once more to play it! IS PRODUCED BY Multi Media Machine Commerce House Bridgeman Place Bolton Lancashire BL2 1DE ENGLAND Tel: UK 0204 363688 Fax: UK 0204 380952 Concept, CD-Mastering and testing: John Blackburn Interface coding and artwork: Tim 'Warwick' Baverstock Production: JayBee Administration: Chris & Lisa Many thanks must also go to: COMMODORE: Sharon McGuffie for making things run smoothly. Carolyn Scheppner for compatability advice. ALSO: Carl Sassenrath for CDTV production tools. Individual help from many people on CIX. AND PARTICULARLY Jezar: Technical Project Manager